Our Intention

The goal of Notre Dame Preparatory School is to create a community in which all feel welcome. We want our students to confidently know that NDP is a place where they can achieve the fullness of their God-given potential, without worry or fear of judgment or mistreatment. We believe that everyone benefits from participation in such an environment and that it is only through fully belonging that the school’s mission to “educate and empower girls to become women who transform the world” will be truly fulfilled.

List of 1 items.

  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Commitments

    Notre Dame Prep’s formal Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Commitments were spearheaded by NDP’s Anti-Racism Task Force called STRIVE (Sustaining Transformation: Racial Inclusion, Value, and Equity) and approved by NDP’s Board of TrusteesThese commitments are an expression of NDP's Catholic identity and serve as a touchstone for all our work promoting justice and equality.

    As a Catholic, independent school, Notre Dame Preparatory School is rooted in the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching. The life and spirit of the School Sisters of Notre Dame permeate all aspects of NDP and its community. This spiritual heritage calls us and requires our action to nurture in all ways a community of one mind and one heart. 
    • Notre Dame Preparatory School’s mission, vision, and values guide our way forward and strengthen our commitment to the message of love, respect, justice, and equality for all. 
    • Notre Dame Preparatory School recognizes that racism is a sin and is committed to working towards ending all systemic racial injustice within the school community and extending to the greater community.
    • Notre Dame Preparatory School embraces a diverse and inclusive community and is committed to creating an environment that honors and respects the dignity and gifts of each individual and fosters equity through its community life, programming and activities, and outreach to the broader community.
    • Notre Dame Preparatory School is committed to educating and empowering young women to work actively to eliminate the root causes of injustice and thereby transform our world for the better.
    Adopted January 2021

The Community

As a school grounded in the spirit of the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND) and dedicated to developing students to become global citizens ready to transform the world, Notre Dame Preparatory School (NDP) prioritizes the advancement of an inclusive and just community. This commitment is present from the student body to the highest levels of school leadership. Only in an inclusive community can our students develop the critical thinking, communication, and social skills necessary to work as women who lead in a global environment. Empowered by the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching, our students graduate prepared to transform the world in loving, just, and wise ways.

As a Catholic institution, Notre Dame Prep adheres to the fundamental teaching of the Gospel and the Catholic Church: Everyone is made in God's image and is endowed with dignity worthy of respect.
Notre Dame strives to be a nurturing, accepting community where students are empowered to become the best, most authentic, version of themselves. NDP’s mission expands to include a commitment that our community’s diversity reflects our local, national, and global community.


Notre Dame Preparatory School

An Independent, Catholic Girls School, Grades 6-12, Sponsored by the School Sisters of Notre Dame